Musterfrau englisch


What are words? They are meaningful arrangements of letters. What are letters? They are the symbols of sounds that, when created or left alone, have and therefore can be of a life exposure to a person, place, thing, or idea. An alphabet is usually a compilation with the recognized and accepted letters and corresponding sounds in which the words of the language are constructed. Compare the next four alphabets through the thousands which exist. Notice the similarities inside formation of many from the letters. The symbol H looks identical in English, Russian, and Greek; nevertheless the sound differs. In English, H /aitch/ is normally aspirated using a rapid exhalation. In Greek, H is pronounced as being the long English vowel E /ee/. The Russian sound for H is the same as the English N /en/. Conversely, some similar sounds have strikingly different symbols. The /ess/ sound in English is S; in Greek, it can be Σ; along with Russian, it’s C.

English: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Greek: Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ I Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω

These are comparisons of relatively similar alphabets; think of the greater difficulties being encountered with alphabets which are starkly different through the mother tongue on the person whose fatherland is not the same as that in the language to become learned.

Language would be the effective using these sounds and symbols to help communicate them accurately to a new person or animal to ensure a predictable response may be elicited. Every society have their language, though the principles and objectives are similar: Get the message clear. How simple communication will be if all cultures had one language based on a logical system of sounds and symbols. Imagine three billion people all understanding the other person as I imagine dogs, whales, mice, fleas, ants, worms, and cockroaches do around the world.

Transport an American-bred cockroach to Germany inside a picnic basket aboard a DC 767 and invite it (your ex?) to mingle which consists of foreign cousins. What could well be the result? Would there certainly be a language barrier? Does a Russian Wolfhound (Borzoi) communicate any differently together with his litter mates in Minsk than he would in reference to his litter mates in Hoboken? Do earthworms in Singapore react any differently compared to those dug up in Boise, Idaho?

One downside to English is that it has borrowed words from a great number of other languages that it really is most difficult to get down it as a 2nd language. There is no purity from the vocabulary base. There is no predictability on which to base logical rules that might universally connect with similar roots within the text resulting in a very more easily recognizable pattern. The English word for DOG originates with Middle English dogge as you move the word HOUND is remotely relevant to the German hund. The Spanish word for dog, perro, certainly not resembles the English word but refers back to the same animal. Etymology is an additional story. It would take a legendary work to treat this part of language.

The construction of words is usually a twofold process. First, an audio is made. Then, some gang of symbols from a well established database is selected to represent that sound in written form when the recipient with the intended message is just not present to receive it when it’s ready being sent. The database for English consists on the consonants, vowels, diphthongs plus some triphthongs. Each language have their own own database of symbols and dictionary of current vocabulary along with rules of grammar and usage. Gestures and nonverbal communication are unique to differing cultures though some have acquired a universal flavor. Most nationalities recognize the need for shooting the bird, a closed fist together with the middle finger erect having an upward thrust added for emphasis. For those cultures that won’t associate the generally accepted meaning with this gesture, interesting reactions result starting from indifference to dismay.



    I am not an author, but I am a reader. Many thanks for giving interesting points of reality and also info in an easily understandable article.

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